Friday, October 28, 2011

kneading the dough!

Boy....I can see so much growth in all of my students!  Also, the classroom management is fantastic.  I had another teacher comment on how well behaved my students are.  Using the scoreboard, and all of the other WBT techniques, is like kneading the dough and the end result is going to be a beautiful loaf of golden bread! I have been in school for 12 weeks and I just introduced the practice cards.  There were some lit up faces, when my rule followers realized that they were not going to suffer for the other attention seekers.  I sent home the practice notes, for the disruptive students, and to my surprise their parents had them practice lots!!  One student practiced for 15 minutes and the other for 2 hours!  Yikes!!  He was an angel today!   I reminded my students that there will eventually be purple cards of praise going out.  It will accompany a letter stating how wonderful you are in class..They are so excited!  I said,"Who wants this letter starting off their weekend?"  All hands shot up so quickly, you would think that I was holding a nugget of gold! I plan on getting on those a little closer to Christmas.  This week went really well and my students are working really hard.  My goal this week is to try to maintain the energy after lunch.. Most of my students provide half a gesture and are very delayed in their response.  Energy is crucial, as this is the time I am teaching Social Studies and Science!!  Happy Halloween!

Heather Hansen
Wbt intern

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Brain toys and Gestures Amazing!!

I have been having a wonderful time watching the evolution of my class over this period of time!  There are so many of my students, that came into the class showing a very timid personality and weak academically. Now!  There is a power that has overwhelmed them!  This power is the brain toys and the gestures.  I mean so many students reference these tools while talking with their classmates.  For example, I can't even say "because" in the classroom without them repeating it and clapping their hands together.  It's fascinating.  Also, while they are reading their weekly story, there are hands flying all over the place.  I love how effective the gestures are and how amazing the brain toys work, in the classroom environment.

Heather Hansen
Wbt Intern

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Week 11 and seeing great Changes!!

I have held out, as long as I possibly can, in regards to practice cards.  I think that it is the appropriate time because we have been in school for 11 weeks.   I will be implementing it on Monday and I have given fair warning!  One of my challenges, that so worried that he is going to get a note home next week!  I told him that he has complete control of himself and he chooses his destiny, in this regard.  I think I really got through to him. I believe this because at the end of the day, I had my students write me a little note on three things that hey would love to improve on.  Oh my...they were so random from educational to individual.  It was very appropriate.  For example, my students that are virtually perfect in the classroom chose AR goals, writing, and multiplication improvement. However, my challenges said Rule 2, Rule 5, and Rule 3!!  All on their own!  Amazing...I love that they are taking ownership. I plan putting them in their portfolios!  We are climbing mountains of positive behavior and constant engagement!!

Heather Hansen
Wbt Intern

Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 9 wbt instruction

Well...I have students that came into the classroom with zero confidence! I'm amazed at how well these students did in our district benchmark tests! They were excited to take the test. Another teacher came up to me, this morning, and told me how her previous student comes to her every recess and tells her how good she's doing! That was such great news! Im convinced that prove it is allowing students to engage in an academic conversation, while building confidence. I am eager to continue with the wbt practices. I know that students are actually grasping the information and using it at home. Many parents, during parent conferences, told me how excited their child comes home!!! Great week!!!

Heather Hansen
Wbt intern