Sunday, August 21, 2011

Super Improvers color code

Well this past week has been extremely exciting!  I had a wonderful time at the conference in Indio.  It was extra beneficial, in regards to the super improvers wall.  I love how coach Biff reconstructed the plan to make it last throughout the entire year.  I have been working diligently on my poster board and I've been having a blast doing it!  So....the end result is 10 colors, a color code, that students advance to through super speed record improvement.  Also, an extra bonus picture once they get through the levels and 10 stars per each level!  Traditionally, the only students that were rewarded were the alphas or the class elite.  Finally, a way to incorporate reward for everyone!  I think that the concept of breaking personal records is key, with respect to raising classroom moral.  Every student can finally come to school excited because, it is realistic, and  they know that they can always work at beating their own score.  I told one of my "Sulky" students that you just have to try a little harder each day and you have gained success!  It was the first time I saw her smile.  She likes the fact that she's not up against all the other students.  Furthermore, tomorrow, Monday, I will be watching very closely to see if I can put her up on my Super Improvers Wall.  It is students like her that you want to expose positive reinforcement because it is obvious that she lacks confidence in school.  I look forward to another day the WBT way!!!

Heather Hansen
WBT Intern


  1. Always great to see your enthusiasm. An updated description of the color coded Super Improvers Wall is posted on the forum at
    best wishes to all Palmdale HotFlashers!,
    Coach B

  2. Great job, Heather! Denise shared with us the new info on the Super Improvers Wall. I look forward to seeing you soon! Nancy
