Thursday, August 25, 2011

Improved pictures for Power Pic Wall and Super improver Wall

The days have been absolutely flying by!  We have been so busy with the genius ladder, oral writing, and Super Improvers wall!  I see that the oral writing strategy is working well for Social Studies and Science!  The curriculum is written far beyond a 3rd graders vocabulary.  Also, I have 6 English Language Learners that seem to enjoy correcting others on their English.  Several, ELL students,  have corrected another student when they forgot to add their ZOOP!  Too wonderful!  And yes they received a Super Improver Star when they corrected those students.
 Furthermore, I made a grid, so that it was easier to locate each Power Pic.  I think it might be more aesthetically pleasing to the eye!  Hope you all enjoy!  By all means bring on the suggestions and  questions:)


Heather Hansen
Wbt Intern


  1. Heather, I love your pics! One thing that I am still confused about - where do the colors actually come into play on the Super Improvers Wall?
    Your walls look great!

  2. Rand,
    Students achieve a red star for improving on things in the class. We are really placing an emphasis on the Superspeed Math and Reading. As they acccumulate 10 ministars onto their red star they bump up to orange. This, as you can see, goes on for a while! We have a very long year! Finally, once students get to the gold level and they have 5 metallic stars, I will put their picture, with their friends making wacky faces, up towards the wall. After the last 5 are achieved ahh....the picture is revealed. Way too exciting for the students and a realistic goal for all students! That hardly costs you anything out of your pocket!!
    Are ya with me?


  3. Now I get it! I didn't realize that it was the color of the star, or the card, or whatever, that changed. Now it makes sense! I was picturing a board that had ten strips of different colors, and the students' cards moved up into the next color as they improved. I suppose it could be done that way as well. However I do it, I'll be setting it up this coming week. Thanks!

    The Whole Brain Blogger
